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Memory Text: " The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. " Zephaniah 3 : 17 NKJV _____________________________________________________________________ From Ellen G White: Character will be tested. Christ will be revealed in us if we are indeed branches of the living Vine. We shall be patient, kind, and forbearing, cheerful amid frets and irritations. Day by day and year by year we shall conquer self and grow into a noble heroism. This is our allotted task; but it cannot be accomplished without continual help from Jesus, resolute decision, unwavering purpose, continual watchfulness, and unceasing prayer. Each one has a personal battle to fight. Each must win his own way through struggles and discouragements. Those who decline the struggle lose the strength and joy of victory. 2TT 113.3 Week of Prayer - Jan 13-17, Please get involved and experience the blessings Bowling Night - Jan 25, after sunset, Stay tuned for additional details Chaplaincy Training - Open to all who are interested, Zoom, contact Jeff Drew Children's Sabbath School - Begin with the adult classes and continue thru mission story Parking Reminder - Please do not park on church lawn, or remove reflectors that mark sprinklers Children's Choir - For ages 6-12, Will begin practicing soon, contact Glorie Lopez Musicians Wanted - To participate in the service, contact Glorie Lopez Rent a Pathfinder - Labor Teams for Your Odd Jobs! Contact Lisa Drew @ [email protected] Donations accepted, specify "Gillette Camporee" on envelope Small Group Sabbath School - Now in the Chapel, facilitated by Tom Philippou Brother Desmond Dorsett's Bible Study Thursdays 8-9 Pm Zoom Id: 92411728093 Password: 345221 PRAYER LINE 1-848-220-3300 Code 5640047# The House of Refuge: See information on 'Services / Meetings' page 2nd & 4th Fridays If you'd like to provide a testimony or short sermon, please contact Becky Renzi @ 978-870-0266 |
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(In order to be in compliance with Federal and State guidelines, the Village Church is open with limited seating capacity.) You can join us ONLINE for worship at our LIVESTREAM By clicking here |
© 2018 | Village Church of Seventh-day Adventists