Sabbath, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Upstairs, Chapel and Fellowship Hall
Contact: Lisa Drew
Pathfinder is a great way for your children to be involved in Christ centered wholesome activities.
Women's Ministry Bible Study
Tuesday, 7:00PM
Location: Downstairs, Earliteen Room
Wednesday Night Prayer / Bible Study
Wednesday, 7:00PM
Location: Upstairs, Fellowship Hall
Contact: Jeff Drew & Suzanne Young
You are invited to participate in a fresh and innovative approach to understanding the
life and teachings of Jesus. We will enjoy a breathtaking video presentation filmed entirely on location. Come and experience the life, ministry and mission of Jesus in the context of culture, time and place. Your understanding of the gospel story will be richly enhanced.
Mothertown Quilters - (website)
Second Tuesday, 7:00PM, Social time at 6:30PM
From September through June
Location: Upstairs, Fellowship Hall