Clean-up Day at Village Church
Project List - 2023
-Back hallway walls -Baptismal pool -Carpet at entry for fellowship hall -Entrance light fixtures -Lobby walls -Main doors -Oil paneling in chapel -Oil wood trim in sanctuary -Pressure wash basement windows -Pressure wash foundation walls -Pressure wash shed -Refrigerator -Remove clutter from both ante-rooms -Scrub and clean all water bubblers -Scrub and wax kitchen floor -Scrub kitchen appliances -Wash all windows -Wash and wax linoleum floors (eg classroom A) |
-Add more plants? -Cut lawn -Mulch flower gardens -Pick up and neaten shed area -Pick up pinecones - kids -Rake lawn (sticks) -Remove dandylions -Trim grapevines (fence) -Trim shrubs -Weed flower gardens |
-Back door entry way -Back hallway back door -Deck paint for stage in fellowship hall -Doors exiting the sanctuary (if cleaning unsuccessful) -Downstairs hallways -EGW room wall behind door, after patched -Fellowship hall door -Foundation walls, after pressure washed -Front doors -Front steps -Landing between foyer and classroom A -Left ante-room -Lobby walls, after patched -Outside door by piano -Parking lot lines -Spray paint corner protectors in downstairs hallway -Wall by corkboard- chapel, after patched -Wall by screen- chapel, after patched -Wall near 'tape ministry', after patched -Walls by organ, after patched -Walls by piano, after patched -Walls in fellowship hall (if cleaning unsuccessful) |
-Asphalt pothole at parking lot entrance -Carpet upstairs by media room -Chapel outside door sticks -Patch EGW room wall behind door -Patch lobby walls -Patch wall by screen and corkbord in chapel -Patch wall by 'tape ministries' -Patch walls by organ -Patch walls by piano -Pew fabric repairs -Plane sticking doors: Class A, left of sanctuary -Reglaze a basement window -Reglaze window pane opposite bulletin board -Repair / patch wall by fellowship hall door -Repair 4 screens -Repair outside door by piano -Replace burnt out light bulbs -Replace ceiling tiles downstairs women's bathroom -Replace ceiling tiles hall downstairs -Replace ceiling tiles in right side ante-room -Replace flapper ball upstairs men's toilet -Service fire extinguisher in left ante-room |